Below are CURRENT and PAST e-Newsletters
in .pdf form for Members to download as required.
Click on dates below to download.
<September 2024> - Awls; Stiles & Bates Legend Day 19th Oct;
<August 2024> - Chuck Adapters; Bandsaw Bread; Lethologica;
<July 2024> - Negative Rake Scrapers; Chair with no Legs;
<June 2024> - Japanese Woodburning; NZ Inspiration; Test Valley + West Wood Events;
<May 2024> - Saban-Smith Demo report; Facebook details; Shed Security;
<April 2024> - AGM Report; Lathe Work Wearing Gloves & Jewellery;
<March 2024> - CSW Grand Prix; Sharpening; CSW Facebook
<February 2024> - Racing Car Demo; Cole Jaws; Intro to Kururin;
<January 2024> - Christmas Family meeting; Trading Post; Bargain Finds;
<December 2023> - Jason Breach Review; Polishing Mops; Intro to Rhob Williams; [<Tapers Article>]
<November 2023> - Christmas Ideas Display; Intro to Tony Mercer;
<October 2023> - Dibbers & Spurtles; MWCC access protocol;
<September 2023> - Nick Gosden Lathe Steady; Intro to Bob Randall;
<August 2023> - Ornamental, Decorative, Pen & Maintenance workshop; Intro to David Jenner;
<July 2023> - Spalting Wood; Figured Ash for Club; Intro to Paul Reeves;
<June 2023> - June/July Events; Committee Update; Intro to David Patrick & Geoff Beddoe pt2;
<May 2023> - Les Thorne demo; Thread Cutting Jig review; Intro to David Patrick & Geoff Beddoe pt1;
<April 2023> - AGM Report; Satin Lap Mop; Intro to Phil Walker;
<March 2023> - Streptohedron Demo; Drive Centres; Intro to Rob Branson
<February 2023> - Button Demo; David Game Stool Workshop; Intro to Rob Sylvester;
<January 2023> - Xmas Report; Chuck Carrier Numbers?; Intro to Julian Hellebrand;
<December 2022> - Nov Workshop; Axminster Ultimate Edge Review; Intro to Joe van Wyk;
<November 2022> - Animals; Guitar with Terry Miles; Intro to Nick Gosden;
<October 2022> - Internet Demo of Basket Illusion; Tips from Ian Wright; Intro to Mick Boxall;
<September 2022> - Puzzles & Tricks; Cryptex; Diamond Geezers; Intro to Ian Wright
<August 2022> - Mike H. Pro Demo; Birdbox Comp; BBQ; Giant Redwood; Intro to Bill Peach
<July 2022> - Canteen Flask; Taking photos; Intro to Nigel Batten [ Wood Finishing Chart < HERE > ]
<June 2022> - Bowl Revision; Carbide Tools; Reverse Chucks; Intro to Clive Potter
<May 2022> - Unnatural Natural Demo; Scroll Chucks; Experimental Colouring; Intro to David Hamilton
<April 2022> - AGM Report; Prize Winners; New programme; Intro to David Game
<March 2022> - AGM Notices; Vic's Router Jig; Intro to Allan Rae
<February 2022> - Box Comp; Wedding Goblets; Vic's Clamps; American Plane; Intro to Rick Patrick
<January 2022> - Future Club Meets; Off-Set Bowls Comp; Milling Hornbeam; Intro to Nick Jazwinski
<December 2021> - Platters Comp; Quiz; Intro to Terry Miles
<November 2021> - Treen Comp; Cubes; Intro to John Williams
<October 2021> - Meeting Report; Ash; Swanky Pencil; Intro to Alan Brooks
<September 2021> - Meeting Itinerary; Up-Cycled Wood; Appraisals; NG's Stairgate; Intro to Bill Gibson
<August 2021> - Club out & about; Cedar v Boxwood; Longest Shaving; Mezzaluna; Intro to Trevor Elliott
<July 2021> - Website Teasers; On the Internet; Laburnum; Collet Chucks; Intro to Ian McClure
<June 2021> - Bowl within a Bowl; Food Safe Woods & Finishes; Wooden Food moulds; Intro to Vic Russell
<May 2021> - Previous Paul's Challenges; Monkey Puzzle; Iridescent Paints; Chucks; Intro to John Bolt
<April 2021> - Paul's Challenge 'Bowl within a Bowl'; Hornbeam; Intro to e-Newsletter Editor